Mobile Home Parks – Homeowner Risks and Rewards

Nonprofit, Independent, No Industry Ties
Over 100 years combined experience promoting long-term affordability and stability

Mobile Home Parks – What Most People Don’t Know

MHP Education - books about what works

Mobile Home Park Course – Quick and Easy- Learn and Be Wiser

Are you stuck in the symptoms stage of solving mobile home park problems? Over and over, things keep happening and you seem to be constantly putting out fires? Stop. Take a deep breath, and It may help to get new ideas and perspectives. Move from symptoms to systems, the why and how, and start learning how this form of housing works – look under the hood. Once you have a better understanding of systems you can target the most effective solutions.

Moving from symptoms to systems to solutions (the three “S” approach) is what this course can help you do. Find the root causes of the problems and weed them out! Send a link to this course to uninformed leaders, the public and mobile home park residents!

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Or right-click on the link below and choose copy. Then paste into your emails, social media shares, texts, etc.

You don’t need to read a lot of books to get the basic idea. Our contributors have already done the research for you! Read the following suggested posts and get the full story about this excellent form of housing and why it has increasing problems. You’ll know more than 90% of the population – including city leaders, city planners, legislators and even some mobile home park residents!

Read these posts to get the facts straight
– get educated –

Then give us feedback here. Did this course help? What could improve?

  1. Identify manufactured mobile home parks correctly. Don’t call them “trailer parks” anymore! See the valuable differences!

  2. This excellent form of affordable housing has problems that it doesn’t deserve. Read these posts to find out how it developed that way and about current and future solutions. Fascinating history and unfair situations explained.

  3. Read these posts to learn every major cost and risk to mobile home parks and to mobile home owners so you can understand the situation of these too often mistreated citizens.

  4. Review the good things about mobile home parks. Some exist today. More good things are possible if people realize the value and implement good change

  5. Finally, use these summaries – checklists – as guides for shopping and judging the circumstances for mobile home park living.

Course feedback here. Did this course help? What could improve? Post a link!

Click here to copy course link to clipboard.

News and Articles

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  • Mobile Home Parks – What Most People Don’t Know

    MHP Education - books about what works

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