Mobile Home Parks – Homeowner Risks and Rewards

News About Renting, Civic Action and Law

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Additional manufactured home park news aggregators

Most cities still falling behind affordable housing mandate, state numbers show

Just 29 out of 538 California municipalities met their housing goals at all income levels, according to state housing figures.

Daily Breeze

January 15, 2023

California state Capitol: How your government works

But how much do you really know about how California’s state government works?


January 3, 2023, Sameea Kamal and Jeremia Kimelman

Rent control expands as tenants struggle with record-high costs : NPR ›

“We need universal rent controls in this country, and we actually need the federal government to champion them,” says Tara Raghuveer of the advocacy group People’s Action, which organized the trip.


Jennifer Ludden

November 28, 2022

‘Americans Aren’t Serfs’: House Democrats Propose End to Wall Street Rent-Gouging ›

“Low- and middle-income families in my district and across the country are being pushed out because of profiteering and unfair practices by large corporate landlords,” says Rep. Ro Khanna.

Common Dreams

Jon Queally, Nov 05, 2022

Rent Is Skyrocketing Everywhere and US Tenants Are Paying the Price ›

As the median rent spikes to $2,000 across the country, housing justice activists double down on efforts to counter price-gouging landlords.

Common Dreams

Eleanor J. Bader

Aug 03, 2022

Nine facts about state and local policy

Policy debates often focus only on major decisions made in Washington, DC. But for many Americans, the decisions made much closer to home have just as large, if not larger, effects on day-to-day life.


Brookings, Jan 31, 2019 Ryan Nunn, Jana Parsons, and Jay Shambaugh

Buying a home became a key way to build wealth. What happens if you can’t afford to?

“I just kind of wonder if I need to figure out a different place to build wealth,” she says. “Is it not in a home?”


Jan. 9. 2023, Brianna Scott, NPR

‘Rent Is Too Damn High’: Biden Pressured to Act as Housing Costs Fuel Inflation ›

“Biden can fix it by doing everything in his power to regulate rents and stop landlords from profiteering off this inflation crisis,” said Tara Raghuveer of People’s Action.

Common Dreams

Jake Johnson

Oct 13, 2022

Rent prices will keep going up in 2023—here’s what to expect ›

Rental demand will remain strong due to rising homeownership costs, especially with mortgage expenses nearly doubling since January, Hale says. This has forced many would-be homebuyers to stay in the rental market, exacerbating already high demand. A chronic shortage of housing is another factor. 


Mike Winters

Sep 28 2022


The Manufactured Dwelling Park Purchase Program, established by these rules, is designed to assist Manufactured Dwelling Park residents in gaining control, through joint ownership of their Park, over rising rents and thereby avoid a declining quality of living.

Oregon Secretary of State


Supreme Court Ends Biden’s Eviction Moratorium – The New York … ›

The ruling followed political and legal maneuvering by the administration to retain protections for tenants. It puts hundreds of thousands at risk of being put out of their homes.

The New York Times

August 26, 2021

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